Training Topics
Instructors involve students in active classroom and field instructor/student interaction. A variety of instructional electronic media are utilized to ensure full appreciation and comprehension of presented material. All courses include documented student acknowledgment of presented processes/procedures and conclude with a comprehension verification mechanism (i.e. written exam and/or skills display).
Tactics and Procedures
Crime Scene Containment
Spontaneous Knife Defense
Self Defense Weapons and Techniques
911 Police Response Tactics
Tactical Communications on Radio
Perimeter Security-Patrolling Perimeter Security Fences and Barriers
Perimeter Security Lighting-Alarm Calls and Building Searches
Supervisor Series
Modules 1 thru 4: Principles of Leadership, PT 1 Principles of Leadership, PT 2 Effective Communication Employee Performance Evaluations
Modules 5 thru 7: Time Management Behavior and Motivation Counseling and Sexual Harassment
Modules 8 thru 10: Substance Abuse Discrimination Career Development
Parking Lot Security /
Security Vehicle Use
Traffic Control and Safety
Parking Lot Security
Accident Avoidance in Parking Lot
Foot Patrol
Safe Driving for Security Officers
Bike Patrol
Miscellaneous Topics
Travel Safety
Identifying Gang Members
Mall Security
Slip and Fall Incident
Shift Work, Sleep, and Alertness
Avoiding the Lawsuit
Workplace Violence Series
Preventing Crime in the Workplace
The Security Officer Role in Crime Prevention
Interacting With Disturbed Persons
Assaults on the Premises
Handling An Irate Individual
Retail Security Series
The Shoplift and Characteristics of Shoplifter
Shoplifting Prevention – Awareness and Prevention Techniques
Shoplifting Prevention Observation, Detention, and Arrest Procedures
Electronic Alarm System (EAS) - How It Works